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Sam Bova on Pokemon Go and AR/VR

My Review on Sam Bova's Opinion Piece: I am against Pokemon Go. This is due to the fact that people have broken onto Military Bases and compounds just to catch Pokemon. People who are playing Pokemon Go have been struck in the roads by people who were also playing Pokemon Go. they spend there new life playing games while there friends and family go through there own lives achieving there goals, and making a living. I have seen Sam Bova's writing and it's all pretty good. He brings up good points, questions what should be questioned, and asks what needs to be asks. Sadly, it has not gone as viral as a Pikachu on some random person's lawn that someone thought they would screen snap on there phone. Sam Bova's work needs to be heard as we all have a voice that seeks to be heard.

While technology is great even today, I agree that with good technology, comes weird and ridiculous tech. Whether it has a good purpose or a bad one, to make life better, or to pass the time. productive or laziness.

While I Like Pokemon and Technology, and I am against Pokemon Go and laziness, I do believe that everything comes at a price. So while Pokemon Go is a no go with me, it also means advancement in augmented reality and virtual reality, two of which, weather we like it or not, is and will be the future.

While I like Pokemon and technology alike, but dislike Pokemon Go and Not-So-Helpful Technology, everything comes with a price. So at the price of Pokemon Go that has actually caused death, it has given us new opportunity for further advancement in Augmented reality and virtual reality, both with many uses in so many areas such as hospitals and schools. so for the future and the present, we must accept both sides of the coin when it comes to technology and hope that we will forever achieve equal win/losses if not more wins.

Check out Sam Bova's Opinion piece on Pokemon Go, be kind and helpful by reading, liking, and sharing it to your friends or random people that has an interest in trending subjects like Pokemon Go.

I vote "Like" and I am sharing it... will you?

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